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Table 4 The initial value and the r0th, r1th order AVV sequence of Figure 5 obtained by AMAVS method

From: Similar Vertices and Isomorphism Detection for Planar Kinematic Chains Based on Ameliorated Multi-Order Adjacent Vertex Assignment Sequence

Sequence name


Initial value

S0 = {1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1, 5, 5, 5, 1, 5, 5, 5, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 1}

Revised r0th order AVV sequence

S5 = {60.313060, 83.330670, 101.47220, 88.391310, 97.757420, 88.391310, 61.724170, 83.279460, 101.629340, 89.576520, 62.950060, 87.089640, 94.928180, 81.909030, 60.313060, 83.330670, 101.47220, 101.62934, 83.279460, 81.909030, 61.724170}

Revised r1th order AVV sequence

S6 = {109.884970, 150.834143, 183.477596, 160.505030, 176.919098, 160.505030, 113.225401, 150.685805, 183.927794, 163.144136, 115.949908, 157.485332, 170.200490, 147.433934, 109.884970, 150.834143, 183.477596, 183.927794, 150.685805, 147.433934, 113.225401}