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Table 1 Symbol and definition of the tracking system

From: Comparative Study of Trajectory Tracking Control for Automated Vehicles via Model Predictive Control and Robust H-infinity State Feedback Control





\({\text{ m}}\)

Coordinates of center of gravity (CG)



Yaw angle of vehicle body (in inertial coordinates system, OXY)



Yaw rate of vehicle body

\(v_{x} /v_{y}\)


Longitudinal/lateral velocity (in local coordinates system, oxy)



Offset of CG from the reference point

\(e_{\varphi }\)


Orientation error of yaw angle with respect to the reference trajectory



Error between the current and the desired longitudinal velocity



Vehicle mass


\({\text{kg}} \cdot {\text{m}}^{2}\)

Yaw moment of inertia of the vehicle

\(l_{f} /l_{r}\)


Distance from CG to the front/real axle

\(F_{xf} /F_{xr}\)


Longitudinal tire force of the front/rear wheel

\(F_{yf} /F_{yr}\)


Lateral tire force of the front/rear wheel

\(C_{f} /C_{r}\)


Cornering stiffness of the front/real wheel

\(\alpha_{f} /\alpha_{r}\)


Slip angle of the front/ rear wheel



Generalized longitudinal force



Front wheel steering angle


\({\text{m}}^{ - 1}\)

Road curvature