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Optimal load balancing leveling method for multi-leg flexible platforms


The working platforms supported with multiple extensible legs must be leveled before they come into operation. Although the supporting stiffness and reliability of the platform are improved with the increasing number of the supporting legs, the increased overdetermination of the multi-leg platform systems leads to leveling coupling problem among legs and virtual leg problem in which some of the supporting legs bear zero or quasi zero loads. These problems make it quite complex and time consuming to level such a multi-leg platform. Based on rigid body kinematics, an approximate equation is formulated to rapidly calculate the leg extension for leveling a rigid platform, then a proportional speed control strategy is proposed to reduce the unexpected platform distortion and leveling coupling between supporting legs. Taking both the load coupling between supporting legs and the elastic flexibility of the working platform into consideration, an optimal balancing legs’ loads(OBLL) model is firstly put forward to deal with the traditional virtual leg problem. By taking advantage of the concept of supporting stiffness matrix, a coupling extension method(CEM) is developed to solve this OBLL problem for multi-leg flexible platform. At the end, with the concept of supporting stiffness matrix and static transmissibility matrix, an optimal load balancing leveling method is proposed to achieve geometric leveling and legs’ loads balancing simultaneously. Three numerical examples are given out to illustrate the performance of proposed methods. This paper proposes a method which can effectively quantify all of the legs’ extension at the same time, achieve geometric leveling and legs’ loads balancing simultaneously. By using the proposed methods, the stability, precision and efficiency of auto-leveling control process can be improved.


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Correspondence to Shan Chai.

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This project is supported by Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. ZR2010EL003)

GANG Xianyue, born in 1977, is currently an associate professor at Shandong University of Technology, China. He received his PhD degree from Zhejiang University, China, in 2005. His research interests include vehicle dynamics and mechanical CAE.

CHAI Shan, born in 1955, is currently a professor at Shandong University of Technology, China. He received his PhD degree from Dalian University of Technology, China, in 1996. His research interests include structural analysis and vehicle dynamics.

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Gang, X., Chai, S. Optimal load balancing leveling method for multi-leg flexible platforms. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. 26, 900–908 (2013).

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