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Simulations and experimental investigation on motion stability of a flexible rotor-bearing system with a transverse crack


In the classical process for stability studies on the rotor-bearing system with crack faults, the simple discrete model is adopted for research on such problems, which neglect some needful dynamical influence factor, such as the material damping, shearing effect and gyroscopic effects, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to find a precise calculation model for simulation of the rotor-bearing system with cracks faults. In this paper, instead of the traditional simple discrete model, finite element (FE) model is adopted to investigate the motion stability of a nonlinear rotor system with crack fault. According to finite element theory, the FE model of the cracked rotor system is established firstly. It should be pointed out that the element where the crack occurs is modeled by a particular crack element and the supports at both ends are simulated by two nonlinear loads. Then, based on dimensionless and dimensionality reduction, the Newmark-β method and the shooting method are employed to study the effect of eccentricity and the depth of crack on instability speed and bifurcation feature. Furthermore, the simulation results are verified by some corresponding experiments. The simulation and experimental results show that instability speed does not change monotonically, but decreases firstly and then increases when the amount of eccentricity increases. Moreover, as the type of instability changes, the instability speed jumps concomitantly. Additionally, the presence of crack fault can disturb the oil whirl, as a result, instability speed tends to increase slightly, but it does not affect the type of instability and jumping phenomenon. This research presents an effective and convenient method which uses the finite element method (FEM) to research the motion stability of the nonlinear rotor-bearing system with cracked faults and other nonlinear force, and the proposed method can provide a theoretical reference for stability analysis and vibration control in more complex relevant rotor-bearing system.


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Correspondence to Chaofeng Li.

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This project is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 51105063), and Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China(Grant Nos. N120403004, N100303001)

LI Chaofeng, born in 1980, is currently a lecturer at School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University, China. He received his PhD degree from Northeastern University, China, in 2010. His main research interests include rotor dynamics, mechanical vibration and control and dynamic design of mechanical products.

YU Hexing, born in 1989, is currently a master candidate at School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University, China.

ZHOU Shihua, born in 1987, is currently a master candidate at School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University, China.

WEN Bangchun, born in 1930, is currently a professor at School of Mechanical Engineering & Automation, Northeastern University, China. His main research interests include vibration utilization engineering, rotor dynamics, nonlinear vibration and applications of mechanical engineering, vibration diagnostics of the machine fault, mechanical-electronic integration and the machinery engineering theories.

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Li, C., Yu, H., Zhou, S. et al. Simulations and experimental investigation on motion stability of a flexible rotor-bearing system with a transverse crack. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. 26, 1194–1203 (2013).

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