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Physics-based modeling and simulation for motional cable harness design


The design work of motional cable in products is vital due to the difficulty in estimating the potential issues in current researches. In this paper, a physics-based modeling and simulation method for the motional cable harness design is presented. The model, based on continuum mechanics, is established by analyzing the force of microelement in equilibrium. During the analysis procedure, three coordinate systems: inertial, Frenet and main-axis coordinate systems are used. By variable substitution and dimensionless processing, the equation set is discretized by differential quadrature method and subsequently becomes an overdetermined nonlinear equation set with boundary conditions solved by Levenberg-Marquardt method. With the profile of motional cable harness obtained from the integral of arithmetic solution, a motion simulation system based on “path” and “profile” as well as the experimental equipments is built. Using the same parameters as input for the simulation and the real cable harness correspondingly, the issue in designing, such as collision, can be easily found by the simulation system. This research obtains a better result which has no potential collisions by redesign, and the proposed method can be used as an accurate and efficient way in motional cable harness design work.


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Correspondence to Jianhua Liu.

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Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51275047)

LIU Jianhua, is a professor, PhD advisor, and he received his PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology, China. His scholastic interests include virtual assembly and virtual reality. Now he has published over 60 research papers in virtual assembly.

ZHAO Tao, born in 1985, is currently a master candidate. His research interests include cable harness modeling based on physical characteristic.

NING Ruxin is a professor, PhD advisor, and she received her PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering from Technical University of Berlin, Germany. Her research field is digital design and manufacture. Now she is the Academically-Chairman of Mechanical Engineering of Beijing Institute of Technology, President of Production Engineering Society of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society.

LIU Jiashun is currently a PhD candidate at Beijing Institute of Technology, China. His research interests include cable harness modeling and assembly simulation.

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Liu, J., Zhao, T., Ning, R. et al. Physics-based modeling and simulation for motional cable harness design. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. 27, 1075–1082 (2014).

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