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Nonlinear dynamic modeling for a diesel engine propeller shafting used in large marines


Longitudinal vibration, torsional vibration and their coupled vibration are the main vibration modes of the crankshaft-sliding bearing system. However, these vibrations of the propeller-crankshaft-sliding bearing system generated by the fluid exciting force on the propeller are much more complex. Currently, the torsional and longitudinal vibrations have been studied separately while the research on their coupled vibration is few, and the influence of the propeller structure to dynamic characteristics of a crankshaft has not been studied yet. In order to describe the dynamic properties of a crankshaft accurately, a nonlinear dynamic model is proposed taking the effect of torsional-longitudinal coupling and the variable inertia of propeller, connecting rod and piston into account. Numerical simulation cases are carried out to calculate the response data of the system in time and frequency domains under the working speed and over-speed, respectively. Results of vibration analysis of the propeller and crankshaft system coupled in torsional and longitudinal direction indicate that the system dynamic behaviors are relatively complicated especially in the components of the frequency response. For example, the 4 times of an exciting frequency acting on the propeller by fluid appears at 130 r/min, while not yield at 105 r/min. While the possible abnormal vibration at over-speed just needs to be vigilant. So when designing the propeller shafting used in marine diesel engines, strength calculation and vibration analysis based only on linear model may cause great errors and the proposed research provides some references to design diesel engine propeller shafting used in large marines.


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Correspondence to Jianguo Duan.

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Supported by Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization of China(Grant Nos. 201001007, 2013000016)

ZHANG Qinglei, born in 1973, is currently a professor at University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and a professorate senior engineer at Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd, China. He received his PhD degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, in 2003. His main research interests include system simulation, 3D printing and FEA.

DUAN Jianguo, born in 1980, is currently a professor at Central Academe, Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd, China. He received his PhD degree on mechanical manufacturing and automation in Tongji University, China, in 2013.

ZHANG Suohuai, born in 1962, is currently a professor at Shanghai Institute of Technology, China. He received his PhD degree on mechanical design and theory in Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, in 2000. His main research interests include mechanical system dynamics, virtual manufacturing and 3D design.

FU Yumin, born in 1988, is currently an engineer at Central Academe, Shanghai Electric Group Co., Ltd, China. She received her master degree on mechanical engineering in Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, in 2013.

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Zhang, Q., Duan, J., Zhang, S. et al. Nonlinear dynamic modeling for a diesel engine propeller shafting used in large marines. Chin. J. Mech. Eng. 27, 937–948 (2014).

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