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Table 4 DfAM strategies regarding quality

From: Design and Manufacturing Strategies for Fused Deposition Modelling in Additive Manufacturing: A Review

Shrinkage, distortion and warping

Surface finish

Stability and post-processing

Use small values of layer thicknesses to reduce the distortion, shrinkage, and warping effects

Aim for parts with small values of length to width ratios to reduce the distortion effect. If necessary, divide long parts into several shorter parts

Avoid long thin parts as far as possible to reduce the distortion, shrinkage, and warping effects

Select material depositing directions along the short side of the part to reduce warping

If possible, use materials with low shrinking coefficients and glass transition temperatures

Increase the build room temperature to lower internal stresses and warping

Orientate the part considering the staircase effect and the functionality of the part surfaces

Estimate the surface roughness based on Eq. (2) and compare it with the design requirements. Adjust the process parameters if necessary

Use small values of layer thickness and surface angles close to 90°, to reduce the surface roughness and the staircase effect

Orientate the part to avoid the staircase effect in curved and sloped surfaces

Consider post-processing operations to improve the surface finish and eliminate the staircase effect. Conventional techniques, such as sanding, polishing, grinding, can be used

Orientate the part to provide enough support surfaces and reduce the use of support structures

Orientate the part with the largest surface area laying on the building platform

Remove support structures in small sections to prevent the damage of the part

Provide additional coating to parts to ensure environmental resistance

Provide special coating to functional parts to improve part integrity, stability and strength, if necessary

Ensure total adhesion or binding of the material and layers in the part